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Project COMEDY

Stand-up that makes our beneficiaries Stand Out!


Project COMEDY adds to the transferable skills service personnel gained in their careers, using humour to enable well-being during transition or recovery.
In service, humour held units together, enabled missions to succeed and built the camaraderie required to work in the most extreme environments. Project COMEDY shows veterans how to convert their military humour into outstanding stand up comedy routines. But it also adds so much more to each veteran that takes part, enabling them to stand out from other job applicants.
Communication skills are massively enhanced, as stand up is about removing the padding and getting to the core of the joke as fast as possible. Hence Project COMEDY has enabled graduates to enhance their written, spoken and academic skills in ways they didn't expect.
Comedians have to connect with their audience, because you only laugh with people you like. This enables our community to connect with customers, employers and contractors and build effective and strong business relationships.
And think… If you know that one of our community can stand up in front of a collection of strangers and make them laugh solidly for 5 minutes - can you see how they're going to have the confidence to deliver that essential presentation, hold their attention and balance your business needs with your customers desires?

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Our 5 Project COMEDY Ambassadors train veterans in the essential skills required to be a stand up. They also mentor them on the circuit to get the very most out of this most rewarding art form. No one is forced to perform, but those that do have discovered a highly rewarding pastime. And we have comedians out there that have become popular on the circuit, had paying gigs and are through to the semi-finals of The South Coast Comedian of The Year! The ambassadors also run a popular podcast entitled The Project COMEDY Podcast  that not only encourages veterans to get into comedy, but shares the skills required and is now recommended listening for graduates of Laughing Horse Comedy's training courses.

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